Monday 2 September 2013

Chillout Stones

These are my latest idea which was inspired by a day at the beach.

Fairy Dust

Spent yesterday evening making Fairy Dust.  I am now offering 1 bottle for £1.20, 5 bottles for £5 or 50 bottles for £45.
They come in red, pink, silver, gold and green or you can get Space Dust in blue. 

You can have any combination of colours, just let me know!

Sunday 1 September 2013

New Ideas

I have been away on holiday and have come up with some new ideas which I will be trying out and putting up here hopefully in the next few days.  Today I have been catching up with items  I need to make for my next craft fair so have made up lots of fairy dust and trying to sort out what else I need to take.  Once that craft fair is over I will be looking forward to Christmas.