Saturday 18 May 2013


I made a group if elephants for the school fair, these lonely pair are still avaliable for looking after and can be made into a brooch or mobile phone charm.

Thursday 16 May 2013

School Fair

I am having a stall at the school fair at my daughters school fair tonight.  Looks like it will be indoors because of the weather, but hopefully it will still attract plenty of parents.

I'm selling lots of cheaper items like brooches, mobile phone charms, bookmarks, and notebooks so hopefully will be able to attract a few buyers.

Crochet Belt

My daughter needs a belt for her trousers so I decided to try to make her one, she was very pleased with the result.

Mini Flowers

I was trying to find a use for some skewer ends that I had.  The main parts had been used to make some seaside flags and there were small parts of the wood left. So I decided to make some mini flowers to put onto them.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Mini Owl

I've been trying to think of something to sell at the school fair and have come up with the idea of a mini owl (which is the school logo) in the school colours.  Not sure whether to make them into badges, mobile phone charms or just leave them as they are.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Craft Fair

I went to the craft fair at Belmont Hall in Wellington on Saturday.  Turn out was fairly good and managed to sell a few things.  Was my best event so far, and I met lots of interesting people as usual.  Am going to try it again next month, and will see how I get on. Hopefully as its going to be a regular event, it will get more and more visitors and I will sell more.