Monday 25 February 2013

Flower necklace

I'm still trying to think of new ideas for my craft stall on saturday and came yp wit hthe idea for a necklace.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Flowers for Mother's Day

I am in the process of making some flowers to sell at the craft fair for mothers day. I have used BBQ skewers for the stems and made various flowers for the top.  I'm hoping they will prove popular.

The joy of sewing in ends

Does anyone have a way of making sewing in ends less boring? I am busy making items for my craft fair next week and so much time has been spent sewing in ends and it is so dull!

Plus I have loads of little bits of yarn left over with nothing to do with.....

Wednesday 20 February 2013


I'm still working on a big project so nothing to report at the moment.  Will take a photo when it is finished though.

I am trying to think of things I can make for mother's day.  I think a flowery bookmark might be nice and maybe a handpainted keyring with 'mum' on it.  Will have to give it a bit more thought though.  Needs to be something I can easily post too....

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Busy, busy, busy

As it is half term this week for us, I seem too busy with the children to be doing much crochet or other craft. Today I uploaded a new kindle poetry book which I had written a long time ago but just needed to finish properly.  Hopefully that might bring me in a bit of income.  I put a book on there yesterday too and sold one copy overnight.  Will only make me around £1 but if it continues it could be worthwhile.  Hopefully will get back to the crafting tomorrow.

Monday 18 February 2013

Crochet Cotton

I had a bargain buy at a charity shop - some brand new crochet cotton for £2.  Now I have it I am having trouble using it, I think my hook may be too big.  I am gong to keep practising though as I hope it will improve.  It is white so I'm hoping to use it to make snowflake Christmas tree decorations, so I have plenty of time to practice!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Sale News

Well unfortunately the sale didn't go well.  I made very few sales as there were hardly any buyers.  Hopefully another time at another venue might do better.  However I had an ebay order yesterday and am currently working on an order for 12 mini bags to put party favours in.  So although sales are fairly slow they are coming in which is great.

Friday 15 February 2013

Sale tomorrow

Things are going well at the moment. Made my second sale on ebay yesterday and have had an order for 12 mini favour bags.  Tomorrow I have my first sale, it's only a table top sale so I'm not expecting to do that well, but it will be a good test of what sells and how to arrange my stall ready for my first craft fair in a few weeks time.  I've been busy making things so I have plenty of stock to take with me.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Mini Bags

Today I decided to try making some little bags that can be used for gifts of favours.  Here is how they turned out:

You can now buy them on ebay.

Monday 11 February 2013

Easier Stuffed Heart

I have been looking for an easier heart pattern to make, as the one I have been using is tricky to get both sides the same.  So I tried something new tonight.

It is a lot easier to make, but now I have made it am not sure what to use it for. I might add a hanger and use it for bunting, or it could be a Christmas tree decoration, but I'm sure there is more I could do.  I will have to give it some thought.

Flower Bookmark

Was trying to think of a simple pattern to show my daughter today, so showed her how to make little plain coloured flowers. She then asked if we could make them into a bookmark and the result came out like this:

I quite like the effect and may make some more to sell.

Sunday 10 February 2013


When I do my first sale of items I'm making I want to include some of my artwork.  Smaller pictures below are £10 each:


 Larger ones like the one below will be £25.

The photos don't really do them justice, I'm hoping that some people who visit my stall might be interested in modern art.  If anyone reading likes a picture and would like to buy one send me an email at or comment on this post.

Saturday 9 February 2013


Have finished packaging up a lot more keyrings this morning. I am very pleased with the way they have turned out.  Am now hoping that I can sort out some transport to do a table top sale next weekend and start selling.

There are a nice variety now, ranging from the multicoloured striped ones, to yellow with hearts or swirls, green and black and some reddish pink ones for valentines day (although will be a bit late by the time I do the stall).

Once I have seen what interest I get I will know whether to create some more.  Just need to get a few nice baskets to put them in on my sale table, as well as making a lot more small crochet items and I will be all ready. 

If you are interested in purchasing one of the keyrings I am happy to post them out. They cost £1.50 each. Just email me on or comment on the blog and I will arrange it.

Friday 8 February 2013

More Keyrings

Last night I did some more paintings to make into keyrings. It has been quite time consuming putting them together and am not even half way through yet, but here are some pictures of a couple I have done so far.

I particularly like the paint effects on the red one, although I was least happy with that painting before it was cut up, funny how things work out!  I will be selling these at £1.50 so if you are interested leave me a message.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Mini Squares

I found a pattern online today for mini squares and thought they looked very cute.  So I made a few and sewed them together, but not sure what to do with the resulting item, even thought it is quite cute.


Made lots of little butterflies today.  Most of these are going to be brooches.

 However they can also be used to decorate different items or made into bookmarks or keyrings.

Selling Items

My kids are making lots of money selling items for me at school and making some commission on them. If anyone who reads this blog likes the items then please let me know. I can accept payment via paypal and will post them out, or deliver if you are local.
Brooches start at 50p, bookmarks are 70p, mobile phone cases start at £4.  I also make items to order, so let me know if you want something a particular size or colour.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Butterfly Phone Socks

These twin phone socks were requested by friends of my daughter to give to their mums for valentines day (how sweet!!).

I am planning on making more butterflies today and turning them into brooches and also making more cupcake brooches and more flowers so that I have a nice stock ready for the boot sale I am planning on doing soon. I hope that they will be cheap enough to attract people who are looking for a bargain.

Crochet Cupcake

I decided it was time to make up a design for cupcakes as they are so popular at the moment.

This is a tiny one I did that I made into a brooch.  I am now working on a design for a larger one which I could use to make bunting.

Crochet Coasters

I was searching for new ideas today and came across a crochet pot holder and adapted the design to make these coasters.

These are very simple to make and are probably more decorative than practical. They might work well if made to match a mug cozy, some of which I plan to try to make soon.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Stuffed Hearts

When I was on the theme of hearts I decided to do some bigger ones that I could stuff with the aim of hanging them up.

I thought these would look nice in a variety of different colours and would make cute valentines gifts.

Mini Hearts

I saw a great pattern online today for mini hearts. They didn't come out quite how I wanted, but still seem quite cute.

I got carried away and made quite a few, but now don't really know what to do with them so any suggestions would be welcome.

Monday 4 February 2013

More Bookmarks

I want to try my luck at selling some of my items at an indoor car boot sale on Sunday 17th Feb, so I am working hard at building up a stock of smallish cheapish items to sell there.  Yesterday I started by making a set of natural coloured bookmarks.

These are made with a ball of wool of various colours and the result is multicoloured bookmarks but with no having to change the wool while making them.

Sunday 3 February 2013


I have been  taking a rest from crochet today and working on some designs for keyrings instead. Firstly some ones on a valentines theme:

Then I made some with a 'peace theme'. A rainbow style background with a peace symbol charm on it.

If these are popular I will try some different designs as well.

Friday 1 February 2013

Valentines Bookmarks

Today I have designed a Valentines Day Bookmark. 

These have a heart at the top and then a chain of crochet with tassles at the bottom. Will try them in a few different colours and see if I can sell any on ebay before valentines day.


Another crochet idea is making bookmarks.

These are really quick to make and are great for selling at school fairs or to children as they can be sold cheap. I'm hoping my daughter will sell some at school for me.