Friday 23 August 2013

My items are being sold in a shop!!

Yay, have managed to get two of my items for sale in a local shop.  Kindred Spirit in Maws Craft Centre are going to be selling my fairy dust and my wishing bands.  Very exciting!

The bands come in a hessian bag with the rhyme:

As you tie your wishing band
around your ankle or your wrist.
The fairy magic will emerge
And every star will grant a wish.


Wednesday 21 August 2013

Cute Little Bird

This cute little bird was based on a pattern I found online.  Could be made in Christmas colours for your tree or just hung up to put a smile on your face.

My daughter is a crafter too

Here are some charms that my daughter made today

Today's New Creations

I have been busy today again trying to come up with new ideas.  Here are some of the products of my labours:

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Hair Slides

Another set of hair slides that I have been asked to make.

These are in lovely bright pink, white and purple.  I also need to make some in green.

Star themed items

Today's ideas are all themed around stars. Here are some of the things I have come up with.

Firstly a star hair slide with a star on it. Then a wishing on a star badge with the word 'wish' and a mini star. Lastly a wishing bracelet covered in stars.

Will hopefully come up with some more ideas later.

New Commisions

I am visiting a shop on Friday who sell fairy and dragon related items to try and sell some of my items.  They are interested in fairy dust, but I am also working on some wish bands, magic wand pencil toppers, elf hats and tryign to think of lots of other ideas too.

Monday 19 August 2013

Lots of projects today

Here are a selection of photos of the things I have been working on today.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Making a start on Christmas

I have started some Christmas items. I plan to make some Christmas bunting to go around the tree with hearts, stars and snowflakes. Struggling to make a nice small snowflake at the moment, but the hearts and stars are sorted.

They can be made into hanging decorations for the tree too as well as badges, charms and card decorations.

Monday 12 August 2013

Heart Handbag Charm

A simple charm as I am trying to find ideas for cheap items. This could sell for 50p.

Button Bracelet

I wanted to try a quick project today so made a button bracelet.  Just braided 3 strands of yarn and knotted the ends and then sewed the buttons on, simple!

Sunday 11 August 2013


I want to get organised early for Christmas this year so am already thinking of ideas for my Christmas craft stalls.  I want to make bunting and Christmas tree decorations as well as doing Christmas themed paintings and charms.


My next project is making cushion covers with freeform crochet designs on them.  It is taking a while to get started as I am busy at the moment but have nearly finished the first basic cover ready to decorate.